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Selected Valuations and Related Assignments
Client Business / Asset Role
Felix Resources Limited Coal mining operations Independent expert’s report on a merger of the coal interests of White Mining and Felix Resources
MPI Mines Limited Gold and nickel operations Valuation advice to the Directors on the value of shares in Leviathan Resources Limited in relation to a capital reduction and spin off of gold assets
GasNet Trust Regulated natural gas transmission assets Independent expert’s report on the restructuring of the GasNet group to form a triple stapled security
Peter Lehmann Wines Limited Winemaking operations Valuation advice to the Directors in relation to a takeover offer by Allied Domecq PLC that was eventually overbid by an offer from Hess Group
Advance Bank Limited Banking and funds management operations Independent expert’s report on a merger by Scheme of Arrangement with St George Bank
Comalco Limited Bauxite, alumina and aluminium operations Independent expert’s report on a takeover offer by Rio Tinto Limited
Rock Building Society Building society operations Valuation advice to the Directors for general corporate purposes
Caltex Australia Limited Petroleum refining and distribution Independent expert’s report in relation to a proposal to acquire the remaining 50% interest in Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd from Pioneer International Limited
Tethyan Copper Company Limited Copper mining Valuation advice to the Directors in relation to a takeover offer by Skafell Pty Ltd that was eventually overbid by Antofagasta PLC
Metway Bank Limited Banking, insurance and investment operations Independent expert’s report in relation to a merger of Metway Bank, SUNCORP Insurance and QIDC by Scheme of Arrangement
Unilever Australia Limited Brand names and intellectual property Valuation of the brand names and intellectual property owned by Unilever Australia’s consumer products business including the Bushells, Robert Timms, Rosella, Seakist, Rexona, Streets, John West, Flora and Daffodil brands
Bank of Melbourne Limited Banking operations Independent expert’s report on the acquisition of Bank of Melbourne by Westpac Banking Corporation through a Scheme of Arrangement
Southcorp Limited Packaging, wine and industrial operations Valuation of the company’s business operations in North America including NAMPAC, the Goyen Controls pollution control business, the American Water Heater Group and PWG Vintners
WESFI Limited Building materials Independent expert’s report in relation to the takeover offer by Bristile Limited
QNI Limited Yabulu nickel refinery and port operations Valuation advice for the Directors in relation to discussions with potential acquirers of the business
Boral Limited Energy and building materials Independent expert’s report in relation to the demerger of Boral into two separately listed companies for its energy and building materials businesses
Tyrrell’s Wines Winemaking operations Valuation advice for the Directors
QCT Resources Limited Coal mining operations Independent expert’s report in relation to the joint takeover offer by BHP Limited and Mitsubishi Corporation
Blue Seas Pearling Company Pearling business Valuation advice for the Directors
AAPT Limited Telecommunications Independent expert’s report in relation to the takeover offer by Cable & Wireless Optus
Shell Australia Limited Oil and gas Valuation advice to the Directors in relation to a merger proposal for Woodside Petroleum Limited
Australian Consolidated Press Limited Broadcast television and magazines Independent expert’s report on the merger of ACP and Nine Network by Scheme of Arrangement
AMP Society Coal mining investments Valuation of the Bayswater and Lakes coal mines in the Hunter Valley in relation to a possible merger with other coal interests
Incitec Limited Chemicals and fertilizer operations Independent expert’s report in relation to the takeover offer by Orica Limited
CVC Capital Partners Building materials Valuation of the Amatek building materials businesses in Australia and North America in relation to private equity exit strategies
Challenge Bank Limited Banking operations Independent expert’s report in relation to the acquisition of Challenge Bank by Westpac Banking Corporation by Scheme of Arrangement
Lend Lease Corporation Port operations Valuation and capital structure advice in relation to the sale of the Port of Geelong
Ampolex Limited Oil and gas Independent expert’s report in relation to the takeover offer by Mobil Oil
Howard Smith Limited Hardware business Valuation advice to the Directors in relation to the BBC hardware business
Metal Manufactures Limited Building materials Independent expert’s report on the sale of the cable businesses to BICC Plc
Consolidated Press Holdings Limited Magazines Valuation of brand names and intellectual property for management information purposes
Foster’s Brewing Limited Beverages Independent expert’s report on the selldown of a major shareholding
Commonwealth Bank Limited Infrastructure assets Valuation advice in relation to investments in Interlink Roads Pty Ltd and the M5 Southwest Motorway
MMI Limited Insurance Independent expert’s report on a selective reduction of capital
NRMA Limited Motoring group and insurance Independent report on the proposed demutualisation of the NRMA Group
Parbury Limited Building materials Independent expert’s report in relation to the takeover offer by Atkins Carlyle Limited
Coal & Allied Industries Limited Coal mining operations Independent expert’s report in relation to the takeover offers by Rio Tinto Limited and the vending in of Hunter Valley coal mining interests by Rio Tinto Limited
RGC Limited Diversified resources operations Independent expert’s report on the merger of RGC Limited and Westralian Sands Limited by Scheme of Arrangement